1 Introduction

2 Overview

2.1 dplyr

To do: Introduce dplyr (focus is on readable syntax and organizing the analyst’s tasks)

2.2 data.table

To do: Introduce data.table (focus is on speed, memory, and concise syntax).

3 Example

We’ll bootstrap the mean kilowat-hours in the 2009 RECS data. For comparisons on larger datasets, please see Matt Dowle’s benchmarks (this also compares to the pandas library for python).

parent <- dirname(getwd())
dataPath <- file.path(parent, "data")

# set the number of Bootstrap resamples
B <- 10000

3.1 Base R

data <- read.csv(file.path(dataPath, "recs2009.csv"))
n <- nrow(data)

bootBase <- array(NA, dim=c(B,4))

t_base <- system.time(for (b in 1:B){
  temp <- data[sample(n, replace=TRUE), c("KWH", "REGIONC")]
  bootBase[b,] <- tapply(temp$KWH, temp$REGIONC, mean)

3.2 dplyr

Note: I don’t think this is the best way to bootstrap with dplyr. See the broom vignette for more information.


data <- read_csv(file.path(dataPath, "recs2009.csv"), progress=FALSE)

bootDplyr <- array(NA, dim=c(B,4))

t_dplyr <- system.time(for (b in 1:B){
  temp <- data %>% select(KWH, REGIONC) %>%
    sample_n(n, replace=TRUE) %>%
    group_by(REGIONC) %>%
  bootDplyr[b,] <- unlist(temp[,2])

3.3 data.table


data <- fread(file.path(dataPath, "recs2009.csv"))

bootData <- array(NA, dim=c(B,4))

t_data <- system.time(for (b in 1:B){
  bootData[b,] <- data[sample(n, replace=TRUE), mean(KWH), by=REGIONC][order(REGIONC),V1]

3.4 Comparison

Run time

compare <- c(t_base, t_dplyr, t_data)
names(compare) <- c("base", "dplyr", "data.table")
barplot(compare, ylab = "time (sec)")

Bootstrap distributions


# put all bootstrap results in a list for easier processing
bootResults <- list(bootBase, bootDplyr, bootData)
names(bootResults) <- c("base", "dplyr", "data.table")
for (i in 1:length(bootResults)){
  colnames(bootResults[[i]]) <- c("Northeast", "Midwest", "South", "West")

# melt to get ready for ggplot2
bootMelt <- melt(bootResults)[,-1]
colnames(bootMelt) <- c("region", "mean", "method")

qplot(x=mean, data = as.data.frame(bootMelt), geom = "histogram")+
  facet_grid(method ~ region, scale = "free")+
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(6,15,.5)*1000)

Note: For a more comprehensive comparison, you could repeat the above many times to get a distribution of run times.

4 Exercises

  1. With dplyr and data.table, bootstrap both the mean and the median, grouped by region. Calculate both quantities with a single call to summary and data.table[], respectively. Use B=100 iterations while you are testing your code.

  2. With dplyr and data.table bootstrap the mean for all numeric variables, grouped by region. Do this with a single call to dplyr and data.table. The examples in this stack overflow discussion have useful tips, as well as commentary about dplyr vs data.table.

  3. Watch Grace Hopper explain nanoseconds.

Note: I ran all time comparisons with R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10) on an intel i7 running at 2.67 GHz with 8 GB RAM.

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